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My name is Jack Elliott and I'm a creative in film and tv who specialises in running, assisting, editing and directing. I studied creative media and completed my Level 5 HND at NESCOT in June 2022. I have valuable experience in directing, producing, editing, marketing and scriptwriting. I have running experience on music videos, short films, festivals and post-production houses. I'm currently looking for more entry level work and placements.

JACKECLIPS is a brand. 'Jack' being my forename, 'E' being the initial of my surname, and 'clips' being the videos I edit. I have an eclipse logo to match JACK(ECLIPS). I think it's clever- There's a duck mascot too but I'm still looking for a reason to tell people why it's important...

Key achievements include a screening of my 2019 mockumentary short "My Crazy Obsession: Dreams '19" at the UAL Creative Origins Festival. I also competed as a finalist at WorldSkills UK Live 2019.

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